Meet Robert
In his presence people feel accepted and supported to authentically express and love themselves in a way that honors their unique spirit and soul's light.
The word Shaman has been described as a wise person, one who knows, a transformer of energy as well as one who walks between worlds. The recognition that life-force is in everything and that everything in existence is interdependent and mutually supportive, helps bring a Shaman into harmony with all things.
A Shaman treats all things with respect, recognizing the essential Spirit of Life in everything. In doing so, they come to understand their place amongst the interconnectedness of all things. Shamanism recognizes that everything is an energy system in and of itself existing within a greater energy system which deserves respect because each plays a part in the whole.
Since his youth Robert has had the ability to communicate with nature; the natural world and Spirit realm. He cannot remember a time in his life when he did not have a strong inner connection with a higher power. The path for receiving guidance from the Ancestors has always been open, which he feels is connected to his ancient Scottish, Irish and Celtic roots. In his 20’s Robert took many courses and formal training in the following areas; Reiki, Shamanism and Angelic Communications to list a few. He wanted to hone his natural gifts, refine his skills, empower his abilities and develop a system that aligned with the truth of his personal experiences since childhood... a system that could be used for helping and healing both himself and others.
Through techniques such as Shamanic Journeying and Spirit Travel, Robert has learned to transcend boundaries of awareness by transferring his consciousness into other worlds which are on a different dimensional level or wavelength of existence. Once connected to these other worlds, it is then possible for him to attain knowledge, insight and empowerment to perform various forms of healing work.
Robert’s gentle nature brings warmth, compassion and understanding to his shamanic practice. In his presence people feel accepted, supported and encouraged to be themselves. He draws forth the courage within his clients to authentically express and love themselves in a way that honours their unique spirit and soul’s light.
He is passionate about stewarding and protecting nature and Mother Earth, the animal and plant kingdom; all things lush and green. He enjoys the process of planting a seed, nourishing it, watching it grow and tending to its basic needs and requirements. For him this is meditation, and it reflects the dedication, love and mindfulness he also directs toward nurturing himself and his family. Connect with Robert.