An Era Of Transparency

Realizing The Truth and The Way is With You

Person staring up at the nights sky full of stars

What did the church really mean when they talked about “The Body Of Christ”? They were not talking about the man Jesus' own body, although it seemed to me as though that is what they intended to lead us to believe. I have come to understand that The Body of Christ refers to The Light Body of Men and Women. Yeshua as a Man embodied and taught this as an example of what we ourselves can do with this technology, our divine inheritance as children of God who Lives Eternally within The Body of Light (Christ Light) that you/we Are. No one told you that you were a body of light, with the spiritual technology intrinsic to every single cell and DNA strand of your Being - a technology your Creator installed when He made you in His image and likeness that can be activated and realized within oneself should they choose with their free will. Jesus said to his followers... "You will do the same works I have done, and even greater works." [John 14:12].

"You will do the same works I have done, and even greater works." [John 14:12].

We are all Sons and Daughters of God. Jesus is not the only Son of God. He came to show by his example how to ascend, that is to say, how to walk the path of ascension and become Ascended Masters ourselves. The second coming IS YOU realizing Yeshua's christ teachings. It is you realizing your divinity and sovereignty, your god-self as kings and queens of The Kingdom within and on Earth. This is such good news! We are the saviors and saviouresses of ourselves, it is up to us to set ourselves free from the cycles that enslave and chain us to our suffering.

Imagine if we were told this in our churches, instead of listening to homilies and reciting dogma, we were practicing yogic breathing techniques, doing QiGong to activate our life force connection to The Universe, keeping our bodies healthy with ease of movement and happy flow, increasing our vitality and therefore joy. Imagine if we danced our loving prayers, and sang or chanted the bible verses like mantras, seeds of light. Imagine if we used sacred sound to help us shift out of regular thinking into higher states of expanded conscious awareness where boundaries and the lie of separation dissolves and we have direct experiences of Oneness, and we know that we are truly One Body... all of us divine sparks of the One Source Light.

Imagine if we meditated on and communed within our Sacred Hearts daily. Imagine if we were guided to close our eyes and journey to meet God there, there within The (true) Temple. How would life have been different? How differently would you have felt, and be feeling about yourself and body now if someone had told you from the beginning, encouraged and supported you in fostering the self love and care of your body as a holy temple of light, the emmination and physical manifestation of your Soul, designed for direct connection and communion with your God Source of Love and Wisdom?

What would it mean if we removed the middle man, the intermediary gatekeeper between You and God, between you and your body, you and your health, you and your livelihood, between you and your property, land and home? What would it mean to be self-governing under God’s Law?

We are moving into an era of removing the middleman, third party institutions and manipulators. We are reclaiming and embracing the value of direct communication, genuine experience and interpersonal face to face vulnerable connection and relations.

To me this means that we are shifting into a more frequency based transparent society, world, and relations where corruption, deceit, greed and lies cannot be hidden.

This means that personal integrity, accountability and total responsibility for oneself, love and respect will be the new value, expectation and command.

This will feel like a two world split, two realities playing themselves out simultaneously at parallel as humanity transitions into the next golden age of miracles. And as this transition happens, it is important to know and accept that bifurcation is a natural process to Earth and necessary for the evolution, growth and ascension of this planet and all of its beloved species. The main point is that all will be made transparent for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, for those who use their free will to align their thoughts, words and actions with the thoughts, blessings and creativity of The Creator, with Divine Love and their own christed nature, to live and lead from their Sacred Heart where instantaneous healing is possible, where transformation and transmutation occur to radically alchemize collective trauma into divine empowerments of truth and reconciliation, fairness and justice for all. Let’s start now and prepare The Way for peace to prevail on Earth. How do we do this? We do this by remembering that We Are The Way, The Truth, The Life and Light (Body) of Christ.

Shekinah Grace

Obstacle Of Arrogant Pride