Insights With Tara 7

Know ThySelf

Meditation Insights with ZHENGYI MITUBMA, Unconquerable Fierce Lady Who Dispels Wars & Natural Disasters!

My meditations are starting to go deeper now as a show up to this personal exploration of the 21 emanations of Tara, so I am not fully remembering all of the details when I come out of the meditative state of absorption. All I can say is... the entire global situation would benefit from countless individuals mediating on and receiving the codes of this emanation of Tara to remove black magic and destroy the evil spells and evil deeds that have been cast upon humanity for centuries.

Her power disarms weapons of mass destruction, disabling the ability of the "weapons" to carry out their designated function, including the bio-weapon of needle technology! Her energy to me felt like "The Blue Flame Sword of Christ Light" and Archangel Michael... but fiercer!!! Her fire appears as blue. Her wisdom fires are for REAL!

"Put your faith and trust in yourself, your heart and intuition." - Tara

I am the fire, the perfect Christ Flame that conquers but does not consume (does not create karma), the sword of TRUTH that cuts through the dream spell of illusions, lies, deception, and all viral beliefs that perpetuate suffering on your planet. Put your faith and trust in yourself, your heart and intuition. Learn to adapt quickly, acclimate and move. If you honour your personal journey and abide by “Know Thyself”, you will always be protected from black magic, ghosts, vampires, witches, or any other spiritual entity trying to harm or control you!

I Am The One Who Conquers All Viral Beliefs!

Om Tare Tuttare Vajra Taka Hana Litsa Phat Svaha!

This journal entry reflection was first written in June, 2023.

Shekinah Grace

Insights With Tara 8


Insights With Tara 6