Insights With Tara 10

Laughter, The Best Medicine

Meditation Insights with Tara, JIGTEN SUMLE GYALMA

Can you allow yourself to experience a day of... l a u g h t e r!? Out of seemingly no where and yet arising from deep within your being, and throughout time and space... just start laughing out loud, even hysterically, with with tears of incredible love and joy? Do you remember this feeling and ability to make it an accessible possibility in a present moment when or where laugher is the medicine?

The 10th emanation of Tara is an embodiment of rainbow light that overpowers the gods of the desire realm. This emanation and frequency brings SUPREME JOY to all beings. Why and when would we want to overpower our desires? When your desires are creating more suffering than joy - when you are caught in craving or aversion and realize you are not aligned with the truth of your high heart and path of least resistance to harmonizing with and accepting your Self, and your reality As It Is. It is time to open your body, heart and mind to be endowed without effort, and simply through your intentions to commune with this aspect of Tara - to naturally experience the eight modes of laughter that empower you and all beings, setting you and them on the path of liberation and expansion into The Light.

12 Revelations on my personal experience of The Universe of LAUGHTER...

1. Any intention that is met with the commitment and self discipline of your consistency in action - there comes a moment where your embodiment takes over and less effort is required or needed through external study.

2. Since you've opened yourself to the thing of your intent, you quite literally become it.

3. And it is through your attentive embodiment that you receive the most, you generate life force toward your becoming an open fluid channel for that energy, wisdom or teaching to flow through your body temple, with incredible grace and ease.

4. When we are embodied all we have to do is pay attention to what arises as sensations flowing in every present moment.

5. All the truth is revealed there, through your peaceful embodiment.

6. And through your consistent practice of receptivity to Grace ~ you enter the reality of receiving divine knowing, instantaneous healing and miracles in real time.

7. My heart rings the bells of sovereignty for All that Is, as I witness my laughter piercing through every illusion and lie I ever believed or gave my power away to.

8. I feel the sovereign peace of my joyful divinity!

9. I was told once that my laugh sounded like bells ringing.

10. Knowledge is learned and remains in the head until it is integrated with time.

11. Wisdom is becoming fully present to the integration process happening in the now, which leads to your embodiment.

12. It is a direct personal experience that contains the insights and revelations of your own Sacred Heart IF you are open and present enough to receive the pearls.

I Am The Radiant One Who Liberates Illusions with the Laughter of Tuttare

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Ture Loka Pasham Kuru Svaha!

Shekinah Grace

Harmony With Self To Access The Creative


Insights With Tara 9