Remote Healing

Intuitive Readings ∞ ENERGY healing

60 Minutes · By Phone or Video Call

River Of Light
Healing & Reading With Shekinah $168

Activations for heart expansion, deep healing and alignment. The Body is Divine Intelligence, it is spiritual technology with an innate miraculous ability to self-heal, repair and regenerate. In partnership and co-creation with God, Nature, The Earth and The Stars - Shekinah performs a full body systems scan, light body assessment, energy healing and auric field clearing, opening energy channels of the body to release latent vitality. She applies specific healing frequencies that support body and mind purification, poison extraction, detoxification and shadow integration. She works through the Christ Consciousness stream, unifying polarity for psycho-emotional healing, health and harmonization, anchoring and embedding unconditional divine love into The Body (and The Earth). Sessions initiate self healing and activate your divine genome; original life affirming creation codes, geometries, frequencies and remembrance of your divinity and Angelic Human Template. Shekinah works with five sacred elements, wisdom winds, platonic solids, sacred geometries, sound and light to facilitate healing, perform energetic clearing, create alignment and stimulate cellular regeneration. She is guided by Eternal Mother, Father and Mother Earth to the plant, mineral and crystal frequencies that support the unique individual’s health and return to harmonious resonance. Through her own activated Soul Blueprint (fingerprint of God / Keycode) she naturally receives information and healing from Andromeda, Arcturus, Spica, Fomalhaut, Sirius B, Shaula, The Blue Flame, Mu, and Ascended Masters of Christ and Buddha Light. (90 minutes)

Oracle Reading
with Shekinah $120

Bringing clarity and heart-centered healing. Oracle has been used for divination and healing since ancient times. Shekinah serves as The Sacred Mirror to invoke your True Path. She helps guide you on your life path, assisting divine reconnection to Self and Source through a Transmission of Light and Guided Shamanic Journey. With intuitive accuracy and incredible insight Shekinah guides you on a journey to find the peace and clarity of your own heart. If you are moving through a sacred time of healing or ‘soul fire passage of great initiation’ that is inviting radical compassion and self love, alchemical understanding, transformation and empowerment then this session is for you. Sessions bless and raise the vibration of the physical vehicle through the art of oraclular healing to create coherence and profound receptivity to unconditional divine love and grace. Open your heart and receive more of who you Are. New neural networks and pathways to enlightenment open up to guide your next steps. (60 minutes)

Past Lives
with Robert $120

Heal soul fragmentation. Learn how you may be influenced by past or parallel lives to gain understanding and deeper insight around the circumstances of your life. Find peace with and surrender the past. Reclaim and hone strengths, skills, talents, gifts of empowerment you previously developed in other incarnations. Become aware and clear karmas around with whom, what or where you are working to heal, let go, release, integrate and learn in this life stream. Profound insight allows the person to feel seen and receive validation on a multi-dimensional, quantum level. Readings help you to heal and integrate the past through the acknowledgement and validation found within your Soul’s Akashic History. This creates space for personal growth, soul evolution, and expansion of consciousness beyond old paradigms, outdated beliefs, limitations and trauma. (60 minutes)

Spirit Guides
with Robert $120

Did you know you have a team supporting you in the spirit realm, encouraging, guiding and cheering you on in this life? In this session receive communications and connect with your Spirit Guides Team of Animals, Ancestors, Angels and or Star Guides. Learn how you can apply the information received to your current reality, and circumstances of your life story. Robert’s Spirit Guides Sessions provide you with relevant support and clarity around your present impasse. Experience healing through greater self love and appreciation, acceptance, self and other understanding as you receive these messages from Spirit that confirm, acknowledge, validate and provide accurate information to help guide, inspire and empower you to heal and move forward with Self Confidence, Love, Self Acceptance and heightened Self Awareness. Knowing your Spirit Guides Team is exciting and profound. Learning how to communicate with them will create a paradigm shift and quantum leap in consciousness that will change your Life! (60 minutes)

River Of Light
The 13 Body Systems With Shekinah $3,910

Full Body Systems Rejuvenation: Arcturian activations for deep healing and alignment. Prepare your body to become a lightening rod of healing, a beacon of light, health and harmonious resonance that ripples out to affect others, and the planet. This journey restores the original codes of pure health integrity, sovereignty and bodily autonomy utilizing energy healing techniques, light codes, sound and frequencies that initiate all levels alignment to divine and perfect health. This is remote healing works with The Body’s innate and sovereign ability to self-heal, regenerate and release latent vitality, bringing you into greater coherence, connection and appreciation, somatic awareness, harmonious resonance and flow state. Sessions work in partnership with Nature, The Earth and The Stars (read more about which stars in the “River of Light” description above). Intention: purification, 5 poisons detox if found (mercury, fluoride, aluminum, radiation poisoning, glyphosate), emotional healing; light and shadow integration, physical healing that anchors and embeds unconditional divine love into The Body (and The Earth). Activate your divine genome; the original life affirming creation codes, geometries, frequencies and memories of your divinity. 13 Body Systems: Cardiovascular, Nervous, Respiratory, Digestive, Skeletal, Muscular, Lymphatic, Endocrine, Urinary, Reproductive, Integumentary, Eyes and Ears Sensory, Immune and Hematology. Includes: 13 weeks - 13 healing sessions, 13 written reports and 13 follow up integration calls. (13 weeks, 40 hours)